A deep dive into Conflict-free Replicated Data Types


Conflict-free Replicated Data Types have come their long way from the academia into enterprise. Currently they are used in many different systems, such as Amazon DynamoDB, Microsoft Azure CosmosDB, Riak and Redis. CRDTs have been chosen for a simple reason: never before we’ve got means to solve problems of high-scale distributed applications so easily and reliably as now with their help. We’ll see what common problems of distributed applications do they solve and how do they achieve this goal with clarity and elegance.

Аудитория и уровень

Developers enjoying know-how of implemented solutions, mostly in area of distributed highly-available (also mobile) systems.

Презентация (на Я.Диске)

Запись доклада

Bartosz Sypytkowski

OSS contributor — creator of F# GraphQL server and core team member of Akka.NET project — a JVM port of distributed actor model programming framework. Great enthusiast of functional programming, distributed systems, database and network protocols.

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