How King tackles game testing with AI


King is the company behind the massively popular game Candy Crush Saga, played by more than 250 million players monthly. The game has been around since 2012, and the sheer amount of content (5000+ levels!), steadily increasing, poses a significant testing challenge.

Test automation has been kick-started at King a few years ago, but as the games grow, the complexity in creating and maintaining tests causes some testing needs to go unmet. Also, having to recreate near-identical tests across different games highlighted a need for a more creative solution that can be applied to all of the games with minimal changes.

I will offer insight about King’s latest efforts to test game functionalities with artificial intelligence and machine learning. Bots are trained, with the help of artificial neural networks (ANNs), to independently explore the game without human supervision, mapping out as much of the content as possible. The aim is to eventually be able to cover all of the most repetitive or difficult testing tasks at King using AI.

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Sara Karimi

Sara is a AI enthusiast originally from Iran. She is currently working as an AI developer at King in Stockholm, Sweden. For the past year, she has been working on AI-based testing focusing on machine learning and computer vision techniques. She has a master’s degree in computer science specialized in AI and data mining and has worked as a teaching assistant at Linkoping University. by the way, she is a damn good ice skater:)

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